Sunday, February 4, 2007

CRM Appliance

It begins.

Flexible Deployment Options

Why should your CRM provider decide how you manage your customer information? At SugarCRM, the customer is in control.

Choose Sugar On-Demand, if you would like SugarCRM to host your information. Choose Sugar Cube, if you need a plug-and-play CRM appliance inside your firewall. Choose Sugar On-Site, if you want to manage Sugar on your own servers.

Do not let marketing dollars and bold pronouncements fool you: if a vendor tells you there is only one way to deploy software, it is more about their business model than yours.

 I don't know if these guys are good or not, but this sure seems like the direction that SAP and Oracle are terrified of. A CRM appliance. Or on-demand. Whichever.

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