Thursday, August 20, 2015

Millenials Conundrum

I totally agree with this article.

Millennials aren't playing by the boomer's rules that we gen X'rs just kind of grudgingly accepted. They're not buying houses, cars, or even getting married the way that generations before them have.

And why?

Because it can seem pointless, that's why. School costs are insane to account for overruns and a shitty outdated education system. Housing costs are insane so that the boomers can retire. Cars are a burden, not a freedom - when you can live downtown and bike or walk or take transit everywhere.

And why get married when you were likely raised in a broken home, that not only upset and hurt everyone, but financially devastated them too?

It's a no-win raw deal. And the only way to play those kinds of games is not to play at all.

We need to change the rules so these kids can win.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ready Player One

A fun book... after the fall of easy energy, what's left to have life worth living?

Virtual reality gaming, that's what.

Coffee Drinkers More Likely To Succeed

I knew it!

It is not just about keeping you awake. There are other reasons that you should drink coffee. It also makes you smarter. The caffeine present in the coffee you drink blocks the adenosine in the brain. Adenosine is an inhibitory transmitter. When this adenosine is blocked you have a higher energy level and you can work at a higher level.

8 Reasons Coffee Drinkers More Likely to Succeed

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