Thursday, March 17, 2011


Absolutely brilliant book. It's a series of very small chapters, one to two pages framed by a simple sketch to introduce the idea.
Some examples:
Embrace constraints
Don't copy
Pick a fight
Illusions of agreement
ASAP is poison

Key ideas:
1. Plans are harmful. They're an illusion that you can predict the future. Respond better to reality.
2. Ignore the competition. You'll end up copying their ideas if you don't rather than developing your own.
3. You don't need to waste time in meetings or paperwork. 90% of this will go away on it's own.
4. Most business functions are excuses. Do it yourself.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another Aikido Seminar Come and Gone

It's always weird going back to the old dojo for a seminar. Great to see Sensei and the guys but I always have the oddest feeling walking back through those doors.

I wish that things could have been different. And that we knew what we were getting into when we put the place together. So many people, so much time. I remember sanding the wood floor by hand twice by myself.

But after everything, everyone was still great to me which is more than I can expect. And Sensei was great even though his health was starting to degrade.

One sad part: a couple of the guys I've trained with for years have loved ones in Japan in the areas affected by the earthquake and had been having trouble getting in touch with them. Turns out everyone's OK but there were some scary moments.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hitmen Game

We got to go to a fun Calgary Hitmen game last weekend, and the kids got to go down to the ice level after the game to meet one of the players, sit on zambonis, and touch the ice. Great fun!

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