Sunday, May 30, 2004

Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know

Very good.
  • intuition is compressed expertise
  • dont expect software to solve all your problems
  • founded on mutual trust
  • gossip = knowledge networks updating themselves
  • "well stolen is half done" - proverb
  • a good story is often the best way to convey meaningful knowledge
  • cant share knowledge if there is no common language
  • Working Identity: Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career

    Big ideas:
  • Explore possible selves
  • Craft and execute "identity experiments"
  • Create "small wins" that keep momentum going
  • Survive the rocky period between career identities
  • Connect with role models and mentors who can ease the transition
  • Make time for reflection?without missing out on windows of opportunity
  • Decide when to abandon the old path in order to follow the new
  • Arrange new events into a coherent story of who we are becoming.
  • Wednesday, May 26, 2004

    Love It, Dont Leave It

    A little cheezy but suprisingly practical. Big message is take charge of your career -- dont just leave if you are unhappy. Often you can change within your current company. Also included is a brief section on when to know when you have to go.

    Tuesday, May 25, 2004

    Life On Venus?

    The existence of life on the planets oven-hot surface is unimaginable.
    But microbes could survive and reproduce, experts say, floating in the thick, cloudy atmosphere, protected by a sunscreen of sulphur compounds.
    Scientists have even submitted a proposal for a Nasa space mission to sample the clouds and attempt to return any presumed Venusians to Earth.

    Sunday, May 23, 2004

    Size Of Universe Measured

    The universe is at least 156 billion light-years wide.
    In the new study, researchers examined primordial radiation imprinted on the cosmos. Among their conclusions is that it is less likely that there is some crazy cosmic "hall of mirrors" that would cause one object to be visible in two locations. And theyve ruled out the idea that we could peer deep into space and time and see our own planet in its youth.

    Thursday, May 20, 2004

    Sam Roberts: The Inhuman Condition

    Really good disk. Good guitar pop & kick ass lyrics.

    Leadership From Within

    Id give this book a B. Interesting section on figuring out what kind of leader you are and focusing on your intrinsic values and goals, but nothing truly fab.
    Some good big ideas:
  • The wrong decision is better than no decision
  • If you dont make a decision, youll waste time thinking about it
  • Stay focused


    Tuesday, May 18, 2004

    Principle Centered Leadership

    Not a bad audio book, but I expected more. Big ideas:
  • Build a high performance, high-trust culture;
  • Identify desired results and unify your teams to achieve those results;
  • Renew your leadership role and gain a better understanding of its impact on your organization.


    Monday, May 17, 2004

    St Germain: Mezzotinto

    Not a bad cd. Its a re-release of a 2004 EP. Very good chillout music. Not as good as Tourist or Boulevard but still pretty good.

    Sunday, May 16, 2004

    What The CEO Wants You To Know

    I didnt get much out of this book.
    "What the CEO wants you to know is a good get back to the basics that matter for the business executive. For any employee this book is a good view in what top management should be considering and how you can impact the companys top and bottom line (the book also covers what these terms mean)."

    Saturday, May 15, 2004

    Classical Budo

    Simple but flexible review of the transition from training for survival (bujutsu) to training for self-perfection (budo). Good stuff.

    ESA About To Declare Life On Mars?

    "Speculation is that already methane is a rather strong indicator life is probably present today on Mars. Just simply based on methane. ...Formaldehyde is destroyed in the Martian atmosphere within 7.5 hours. There is no way that formaldehyde can exist and remain for a long time in the Martian atmosphere. If (formaldehyde) confirmed, possibly life on Mars today, yes." - Vittorio Formisano, Ph.D., Physicist

    Thursday, May 13, 2004

    A Home Test for Parallel Universes

    When you think of a parallel universe, do you think of a universe, or a world, similar to ours but different in some fundamental quality. Bill Clinton, for instance, is a happily celibate priest. Or George W. Bush delights his fellow Mensa members, at parties, with his verbal games. Or, perhaps, you only have a science-fiction quality vagueness to what you think of a parallel universe: pointed ears, warp-drive through worm holes, and form fitting Lycra body suits on a thin, well-groomed crew. A parallel universe, it may surprise you to learn, is actually detectable in your own home, office, or almost anywhere indoors. All that?s required is a red laser pointer, a pin, and a piece of paper.

    Wednesday, May 12, 2004

    Crypto Experts Search For The Holy Grail

    Experts from Bletchley Park are trying to crack a 250-year-old code rumoured to point the way to the Holy Grail. Specialists from the Buckinghamshire code-breaking centre hope to decipher words etched on a garden ornament at Shugborough in Staffordshire.

    GTA 4 Screencaps Online

    Tuesday, May 11, 2004

    More Curve Videos Online!

    Superblaster, Coast Is Clear, and Missing Link.

    In The Age Of The Smart Machine

    Zuboff asserts that the computer is paving the way for a redistribution of authority in the workplace. Geared to managers and information-systems experts, her findings, though ponderously written, will be of value to those who want to get the most knowledge and power from computerization.

    Classical Bujutsu

    Lightweight but suprisingly comprehensive review of the classical bujutsu (martial arts) of Japan. Includes an interesting review of the differences between bujutsu and budo (martial ways).*

    Sunday, May 9, 2004

    The Cheat Commandos

    First Possible Pic Of Extrasolar Planet

    The subtle detections involved using a trick developed by other researchers. After taking the first image of a white dwarf and its surroundings, Hubble was rolled slightly in space and a second image was made. By comparing the two images, scattered light created by instrument imperfections can be removed, Debes explained. That way the star is reduced more closely to a point-like source. Remaining nearby points of light then emerge as either dim orbiting companions or background objects.

    Thursday, May 6, 2004

    NASA: Antimatter Drives

    The Phase I project was very successful. Our system analysis indicates that a 10mg instrument payload could be sent to 250 AU in 10 years using 30 milligrams of anti-hydrogen. This amount of antimatter is clearly within the product _on potential of the US within the next 40 years using currently accepted accelerator technologies. In addition, preliminary calculations also indicate that this architecture could enable a similar probe to be sent to the next star, Alpha Centaur, in 40 years using grams of antimatter. Previous investigations by JPL had concluded that _lograms of antimatter would be needed for an interstellar mission.

    Sunday, May 2, 2004

    The Cheating Culture

    Interesting, but also obvious. People are cheating more because:
  • Theres less to lose
  • Theres more to gain
  • The gap between haves and have-nots is widening.

  • ... all because of the 80s boom.

    Saturday, May 1, 2004

    Digital Gunfire

    The best streaming station Ive found. Excellent for coding.Industrial/electronica.

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