Wednesday, January 31, 2007

White House Interference on Scientist's Publications About Climate Change


I think BushCo and our own conservative government have a vested intrest in ignoring climate change. They both have a lot invested in oil, and it greases the military-industrial that a lot of us owe our fat wallets to...

More than 120 scientists across seven federal agencies say they have been pressured to remove references to "climate change" and "global warming" from a range of documents, including press releases and communications with Congress. Roughly the same number say appointees altered the meaning of scientific findings on climate contained in communications related to their research.

These findings, part of a new report compiled by two watchdog groups, shed new light on complaints by a scattering of scientists over the past year who have publicly complained that Bush administration appointees have tried to mute or muzzle what researchers have to say about global warming.

This comes at a time when the ocean floors are starting to outgas methane, which will make the situation much, much worse.

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