Monday, January 1, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

I was watching this movie last night (which was great, by the way, everyone should watch it) and a thought occurred to me.

I think I've figured out why the current US administration doesn't care about global warming.

Take a look at this: World Map After 100M Sea Level Rise (7MB)

If you notice, the US takes a hefty hit if sea levels go up huge -- at 100M I think that's the ice caps and Greenland completely gone so it's pretty much the worst case scenario. They lose Houston, New Orleans, Miami, and parts of New York and maybe part of Washington. But the US can afford to move people inland, and much of the inland industrial sector is unaffected. In short, the US would probably survive after a few decades of turmoil.

But look at China and India. Most major industrial centers gone. Completely. Similarly for much of South East Asia. These are regions that literally couldn't afford to move their economies inland, or simply don't have anywhere to go. It would be game over for them, surviving perhaps only by handouts from the US and Russia using them (as they are now) as simply cheap labor. Forever.

No more India and China as superpowers gobbling up oil and threatening the US military might. The EU is pretty much gone too, so you'd be left with just the US and Russia as major contenders.

Japan's pretty much OK, as is Canada. But nobody would threaten the wealth or supremacy of the US. Simple.

It makes sense in a crap-your-pants kind of way.

The only thing that doesn't seem to fit is the invasion of Iraq, which is also gone. Maybe that's why the US looted it -- to get whatever they could out of there.

I hope I'm just seeing conspiracies where there are none.

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