Tuesday, July 3, 2007

New Baby




Wow, what a crazy time. Baby Zack is our third son and was born at 7 minutes to 1:00 AM on July 30, 2007. He was 7lbs, 13oz and 21 inches long, our longest baby by two inches. Third time's a charm, and he was no exception. The birthing was very fast, Hiyat pushed for maybe 15 minutes. It was so fast that his face was brused from the speed of the delivery.

If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't get the epidural until the very last second it would've been the easiest birth by far. The staff at the hospital were very busy that night, many, many babies came then. It was a full moon and they always say more babies come then.

It was a very cool experience. This time, only Hiyat and I were in the room (with the doctor and nurse of course). It was really mellow and calm, with flashes of lightning coming in through the window.

Zack, like our other kids, is a very mellow baby. In fact, as soon as we brought him home, he folded his hands together just like Gabe did -- something I've never seen any other babies do.


Welcome to the world, Zack. We love you.



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