Friday, March 29, 2002

Global Warming... Geothermal Style

A team of American and Canadian researchers has found evidence of real global warming: the temperature of the Earths crust is increasing at a remarkable rate."We can now say we truly have global warming," says Dr. Hugo Beltrami, a geophysicist at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia.Until now most data on global warming has been gleaned from the atmosphere, polar icecaps and oceans, but Dr. Beltramis team looked at continental rocks, which cover about 30% of the planets surface.The scientists studied 616 deep bore holes that had been drilled into rock formations from Africa to the Arctic and found evidence of a marked rise in temperature over the past 500 years.The surface of continental rocks are, on average, one degree Celsius warmer now than they were five centuries ago, and most of the warming has occurred since 1900, the scientists report in a paper being published in the upcoming issue of the Geophysical Research Letters, a leading geology journal.

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