Friday, February 11, 2011

Got A Mac

After 5-ish years of running a Linux PC at home for the kids I finally threw in the towel and got an iMac.
- tired of twiddling with the linux box.
- iPod support comes and goes
- eternal sound system problems (it's 2011 for crying out loud and we haven't figured out sound?)
- having to choose between the glossy and futuristic KDE desktop and the 1999 looking Gnome
- On and on of fiddling with the command line to white list kid's web sites
- Really stupid errors like having distribution list support disappear in kmail
- Openoffice still looks like shit
- Flash is really, really, slow

The iMac is great. So easy that Gabe set it up himself, just needed the wi-fi password. iWork is good, iPhoto and iMovie are just amazing. Edited a movie and started an upload to youtube in about 2 min.

With three kids, a wife, aikido, etc. I've just had enough of wasting my time farting around in what is in essence a hobbyist system.

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