Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mandriva 2007 Spring Release




The Mandriva 2007 Spring Release is out... I've taken the plunge and did what is usually a pretty risky thing by installing it using the software updater rather than downloading the dvd and doing an update from it. If you're not a linux user, most distros come with a tool to go and download the latest updates and install them -- very simple and very useful. Normally you use it for a few updates at a time, but I used it to download all 1200ish updates to upgrade to 2007.1.

So far so good -- I'm crossing my fingers and it hasn't died yet. The only problem to date was that it stopped the apache daemon (it updated it) but after restarting I see that it's working properly and reports Apache/2.2.4 (Mandriva Linux/PREFORK-6mdv2007.1).

Here's some of the notes:

Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring includes the following versions of the major distribution components: kernel 2.6.17, 7.2, KDE 3.5.6, GNOME 2.18.0, Mozilla Firefox, 2.1. Other major new features are the introduction of the Beryl 3D-accelerated desktop and the advanced Metisse window manager, and migration to the pm-utils suspend / hibernate framework.

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