Thursday, May 1, 2003

Gibson on Blogging

Is there an art to blogging? I think there is and I dont think Ive necessarily mastered it yet! I have got that feeling of when youre working in a new form and you start to feel the edges of it and its really intuitive. However, if Im ever going to write another book, Im going to have to quit doing my blog as I have a hunch it interferes with the ecology of being a novelist.
What constitutes a good blog? I havent really had that much experience of them as a reader. I wasnt looking at them much prior to starting my own blog. I saw a few more after that and then, I think during the first week of the war in Iraq, I feel as if I saw blogging go mainstream. On a Monday, Id mentioned to a friend in Vancouver that there was a guy in Baghdad who was blogging and my friend asked me "what the fuck is blogging?" By the Friday, blogging was being discussed on the evening news.,3605,946503,00.html

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