Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Science of the Dogon


The Dogon have always fascinated me since I was eight or nine, watching the Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World TV show. This show aired in 1980 or so and featured a short blurb on the Dogon if I remember right.

There's always been a mystery about the Dogon tribe in Africa -- how did they know about the star Sirius being a double star? Later, this mystery has been questionably debunked with the theory that there was some cultural contamination involved.

This book does not focus on this mystery. Instead it focuses on the cultural, mythological, and mystical linkages of the Dogon with Egypt and Christianity and how they link into modern ideas about quantum mechanics, cosmology, and human genetics. Some of these linkages are questionable to say the least, but some are downright odd. Laird Scranton, the author takes several liberties with his ideas but I was left in awe of some of the potential convergences of not only civilizations but modern thought. As the old saying goes, "There are many paths to the top of Mount Fuji but only one summit."

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