Tuesday, March 2, 2004

Secret Tactics

This book is a very deep research text. It comprehensively unites, comments on and extends past writings on martial arts.Beautiful calligraphies notwithstanding, it is not a work for the coffee table. In an attempt to properly understand the content, this reader was slowed down to about three pages a day. In turn, rewards are sweet and plentiful. Master Tabata characterizes clearly how the basic tenets and spiritual practice of martial arts are different from other strands of eastern philosophical and religious traditions. This book will be seminal, as it combines scholarly rigour and original insight to establish martial arts as an independent spiritual system. It traces its roots in India and East Asia but highlights its original contributions over traditional Buddhist or Confuzian beliefs and ideals. It also gives helpful advice on how to beat up your opponent in a match.This book is indispensable for any instructor or serious practitioner of martial arts. It will be the standard reference work for anyone trying to discover the meaning and foundations of martial arts.

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