Wednesday, June 5, 2002

Dead Mans Switch

Whatever gets your attention. Anyway, there was a thread last week about what would happen if one of us were to shuffle off to that Great Motherboard in the Sky. Software which would act as a proverbial "Dead Mans Switch" came up, which is basically a system that, if not reset by a given time, will automatically carry out a series of tasks, such as posting messages to websites like Ars, sending e-mails to loved ones (or hated ones), and encrypting or destroying sensitive files (*cough* pr0n *cough*). Interest was expressed for the creation of such software, and well, here it is. The software is designed to run without installation. Just stick it in a convenient directory, and it will create all the necessary registry entries the first time it is run. Any additional files that it creates will be in the same directory, and will have the extensions .dwp and .dem, for easy portability.

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