Thursday, June 26, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


Is hollywood redeeming itself for my generation? First we get Transformers, which rocked. Then we get Iron Man which is out-and-out the best superhero/comic book movie ever made.

Then we get the new Indiana Jones. This movie, well, kicked ass.

True to form. Shows it's age. And just works.

Visually matches the first movie. Set in the 50's to allow Harrison Ford to actualy play a guy his age. Still kicking ass and taking names, but tiring out. The story line is compelling -- almost as compelling as Raiders but for sure better than Temple of Doom or Last Crusade. Even the ending which a lot of people didn't like, was true to form and in my opinion fit very well.

And it's freakin' entertaining. Did hollywood finally get the memo?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fathers Day




This is my father. Scratch that, this is my biological father. My real father, Dale, has always been there for me and I cherish the relationship I now have with him.

This guy I don't know. I've spent most of my youth defined by him. I've tried to be everything I thought he wasn't. But I look at this face and I just don't know him. There's nothing there.

The anger and hurt I used to have is gone and I've forgiven him long ago. Now I'm fascinated by my past; the hurt is gone and only questions remain. I've got a bag full of old photos that I've never seen including this one. I've never seen a clear picture of him before.

I also have a lot of old photos of me that I've never seen before. I see a lot of Zack in them right now.




Monday, June 9, 2008

Iron Man


Iron Man is a good movie. For a comic book movie, it's a great movie. A breath of fresh air, really.

It's a grown up movie with grown up ideas and a kid's sense of perspective and possibilities, and that's why it works. There's no goody-goody heroes here or truly evil villains. Robert Downey jr is perfect in the role, playing billionaire military industrialist Tony Stark. Gwenneth Paltrow does a good job but the role doesn't really suit her, nor does her redhead wig.

The effects are gritty and realistic for the most part if you discount Iron Monger at the end. IM's suit looks real, and takes damage when hit. And surprisingly, the movies humor works.

It also helped me realize one major thing -- every guy needs his own private jet with a stripper pole.

Monday, June 2, 2008





It's a very wet spring in Calgary. It's been an interesting time though.

For one thing, we finally opened our new dojo. Was a great time with Kaya sensei coming out from Japan to perform a Shinto ceremony - and I got to take part as one of the instructors. The new place is great and the stress in the dojo is a lot less.

On the home front, we finally got the yard pretty much sorted out and the kid's playground set built... just in time for it to rain so they can't use it. I haven't seen Calgary this green in years though.

We're prepping to head to PEI in a month or so on vacation. Should be a good time. 

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