A very strange book and a true feat of paranoia.
It runs the gamut from really cool, breathtaking research into the Priory of Scion, the Trilateral Commission, and the US's history of economic imperialism -- but then it devolves rapidly into reporting second hand allegations from flaky authors like David Ike (the Reptilians are running the show) to Zacharia Stichin (the Annunakai created us as slaves). No proof or hard evidence is offered, this is left to the reader to decide.
Ultimately the book fails because of the more weird, purely speculative work included and this unfortunatly gives the good research in the book discredit.
For example, did you know:
In early 1963 a special study group was selected to study the hypothetical problems of peace just as government think tanks such as the and and Hudson Institutes studied war. The fifteen members of this group have never been publicly identified, but it reportedly included highly regarded historians, economists, sociologists, psychologists, scientists, and even an astronomer and industrialist. The group met about once a month at various locations around the nation.
But its principal meetings were at Iron Mountain, a huge underground corporate "nuclear hideout" near Hudson, New York, site of the Hudson institution, widely regarded as a CFR think tank. Here, in case of nuclear
attack, were housed redundant corporate offices of Rockefeller-controlled Standard Oil of New Jersey, the Morgan bank, Manufacturers Hanover Trust, and Dutch Shell Oil, then headed by Bilderberger founder Prince Bernhard...
The Iron Mountain "boys" listed hese possible substitutes for the "functions of war":
—a comprehensive social-welfare program
—a giant, open-ended space research program aimed at unreachable
targets (missions to Jupiter, etc.)
—a permanent, ritualized, ultra elaborate disarmament inspection
system (as in Iraq and Bosnia)
—an omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force (a
UN peacekeeping force as in the Persian Gulf War or the Balkans)
—an established and recognized extraterrestrial menace (UFOs and
alien abductions)
—massive global environmental pollution
—fictitious alternate enemies (Saddam Hussein, Muammar Quaddafi,
Slobodan Milosevic, and whoever follows them)
—programs generally derived from the Peace Corps model (the Job
Corps, Volunteers in Service to America)
—a modern, sophisticated form of slavery (addressed above)
—new religions or other mythologies (New Age theologies, cults, etc.)
—socially oriented blood games (the National Football League,
World Wrestling Federation)
—a comprehensive program of applied eugenics (abortion and birth
Also, did you know that the current George "Dubya" Bush's grandfather, George Bush Sr's father, was convicted of colluding with the Nazis and profiteering during WWII? And this is where the Bush's family fortune came from?
Good stuff for the first half of the book or so. I wish Marrs would've ended there.